The stage-room is air-conditioned. You find all information concerning my Program in my Newsletter, on FB or Instagram..
"Vogler" is for me a musical treasure, a palace of musical delights in Munich, an environment that replenishes the soul and where the joyous language of music is allowed to speak so freely ... thank you for your musical support and understanding, your passion for jazz and your warm and magical hospitality" (Ray Cooper, 2021)
"Vogler" is currently open Tuesday to Saturday (not on Holidays). Please do reservations under . Of course you can walk by, but: Reservations are highly recommended. The concerts start at 7.30pm, Reservations need to be taken until 7pm. For spontaneous guests: You find my daily program on FB and Instagram (you don't have to be registered, to see it). If you shouldn't see it: "Vogler" is closed.
Over 15.400 "Friends of Jazzbar Vogler" get my Newsletter. (If you sign in my Newsletter and you don't get a confirmation E-Mail, please check your spam file)
You want to support the completely privately financed »Vogler« via PayPal?!
Or via transfer on my account: Vogler, Commerzbank München
IBAN: DE92 7008 0000 0318 9570 00, BIC: DRESDEFF700
Many, many thanks!