The stage-room is air-conditioned.
The Jazzbar Vogler Song and the Vogler-AI-Oracle
"Jazzbar Vogler" or just "Vogler´s" opened at 1997, July 31rd. Thomas Vogler never worked in a Bar before and didn´t know one single musician in person as he started his own bar. Maybe a little risky decision ... :-)
"Vogler´s" tries to be a relaxed "musical living room", is one of the rare live-music-spots (and the only Jazzbar) in Munich, totally privately financed (without any subventions as others), and offers as a Bar Live-Music from Jazz over Funk to Latin with national and inter-national Stars (e.g. Randy Brecker, Jimmy Cobb, Charles Davis, Pee Wee Ellis, ...) or "rising stars".
With nearly yearly Benefit-Nights and corporate citizenship, a 19-years-"battle" versus "GEMA", "Jazz versus Nazis" ... "Vogler´s" tries to "look over the own edge of the plate". Readings, CD-Presentations, Movie-Location (e.g. "Resistance" with Jesse Eisenberg ...) ... make "Vogler´s" round.
If you need further information and/or you want to get my Program-Newsletter please don´t hesitate to write me an e-mail.
Best regards, all the best and: hoping to see you soon!
Thomas Vogler
Over 15.400 "Friends of Jazzbar Vogler" get my Newsletter.
You want to support the completely privately financed »Vogler« via PayPal?!
Or via transfer on my account: Vogler, Commerzbank München
IBAN: DE92 7008 0000 0318 9570 00, BIC: DRESDEFF700
Many, many thanks!